Massage Uncovered: Session Etiquette - North Toronto Health


If you are new to massage or you are a senior professional, there are sometimes questions you may not have asked about your therapy sessions.



This post will cover (or uncover) simple massage etiquette between patient and therapist.

What do I get for my “hour” session?

Your session begins at the agreed time, at which time you will meet at least your therapist. Entering and undressing to go on the table is usually part of that time. If you are late, your therapist may have another appointment later and can not recover extra time for you. Although many therapists will finish and finish their interaction with you dressed and coming out of the door at the end of their session, the North Toronto Health therapists will have their hands until the end of the session. You may have a few minutes later to make recommendations and say goodbye.

Should I talk?

Everyone relaxes in his own way. Some patients have to talk to get rid of their stress and others have to escape. Your massage therapist must know how to measure the level of conversation during the massage. If your therapist hires you, they probably want to link. If you need a moment of calm and your therapist has not responded to this, a simple app can help you get what you need from your time at the table. Your therapist needs to understand, do not worry about leaving them. This is a common preference.

I do not like music or sometimes I just need silence. Is it rude to ask?

Most massage therapists give music, so it is normal to ask for an application or silence. I have a patient who comes early in the morning and prefers the best results of the 1980s: it's a fun and fun way to start your day as we better align your body. As massage therapists, we are trained to adapt the sessions for optimal results, it is good to ask for a better listening.

I was really uncomfortable from lying in one position for awhile, is this necessary?

At any time, and I mean at any time, you might be more comfortable, inform your therapist. I prefer that you ask me 30 times to adjust a pillow, the cradle of the face, etc. instead of suffering. There are so many positioning options, it is best to feel comfortable and your therapist should be able to accept any such request.